Backed by a wealth of experience, the Southwest Automation has advanced technology and expertise to successfully carry out removal, transportation, and installation of a wide variety of machinery and equipment. We can manage your heavy transport challenges, whether they arise in or out of India.

We act as a one-stop solution for all the logistics related to heavy equipment transportation, from packing and forwarding, to storage. This allows you to limit the amount of resources you need to invest in overseeing the project.

Since most of the machines and equipment require delicate handling, we believe that safety and quality of work should be a top priority.

At the Southwest, starting with a thorough understanding of basic on-site operating procedures, our workers are educated by veteran in-house trainers at our skills training facility, where safety and quality of work skills and knowledge are taught to each member of staff. Through skills training, such as correct operation of various types of equipment, and accident prevention training, we constantly pursue higher levels of customer satisfaction

We conduct safe and reliable installation of conveyors, moving racks, and various production robots, that are used in logistics centers and factory lines. We handle an abundance of such projects both in India and overseas.

Our expertise also includes the foundation work and fine-tuning of equipment. Please contact us to learn how we can help you.